This is about a fish out of water, her misadventures and musings while walking on Walnut Street, Philadelphia. All these, as she begins to build her new pond.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
For my Baby Girl
This site is dedicated to my baby girl, Ain, who I miss dearly. "Ain" means priceless in Egyptian. And to me, she really is. Although she is the most stubborn African Basenji one would ever come to know, Ain is definitely the sweetest. She used to sleep with me on my bed, wake up as soon as the AC shuts down, she can smell me from a mile away and scream like a banshee as soon as I come home. I'll be home soon, baby girl... I hope you haven't forgotten how to scream for Mommy.
I am in love with life, movement and family. My heart beats for those who are dear, those who are in need, those who are vulnerable and those who are strong. I am at peace, joyful and humbled. Hellos are my favorites, goodbyes are always filled with sadness. I am for challenges and looking forward. The past only to glean from and not as company. I am all about empathy but i am also about anger. I do not acknowledge the existence of those who have wronged me and my family. I do, however, embrace with my spirit all those who have stood by me and my loved ones.
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