Images that Inspire

She's all of 86- summers old and she pounded on those keys as well as any pianist would. Never missing a single note.
Alone with just her and her music filling the night... an image that will never leave the confines of my heart.
And then there are the young ones. Bruschettas is what I call them. The offsprings of the Toasters.

They're just full of imagination, questions, laughter and antics that make old fogies like me youthful when I am around them.
Their energy is boundless, their joys innocent.
They may have certain fears but mostly it's all about the icky stuff and not the complicated concerns that consume adults.

Maybe I should just put them all in a box and ship 'em to Walnut, eh? What do you think?
Do you think the little ones would mind if an Egyptian with an attitude problem comes along?
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