What the....
We were on the road this morning as people were making the mad dash to their workplace. Translation: lots of cars on the road!
And so. As No was busy driving, I was preoccupied with my favorite past time: Observing. Translation: Watching other people and quietly judging them and making stories about them in my head. Hahaha!
Anyway, I noticed that most of the drivers had those hands-free sets glued to their ears and they were talking to someone (probably someone at the office, telling the person they're stuck in traffic; or it might be their au pair on the other line - for their last minute reminders about the kids; it might even be...their mistress or their younger man - telling them tonight might not be a good idea after all!). And I thought to myself... boy, do they look stupid!
Car after car they passed. All with stupid looking ear plugs! Some looked like it came from the set of The Terminator while others were more like regular earphones but still it made the drivers look like they had a strand of uber long hair growing out of their ears! Blech!

And then I heard it: "Hello, Shirley. I just have a couple of questions...."
It was Noel. What the.... He had one of the ear plugs on, too!
Here's the killer... While some of you might already be thinking of your similar experiences with these awful devices... Mom is thinking: "So, who's Shirley? Oh, and what were Noel's questions?"
End of story.
And so. As No was busy driving, I was preoccupied with my favorite past time: Observing. Translation: Watching other people and quietly judging them and making stories about them in my head. Hahaha!
Anyway, I noticed that most of the drivers had those hands-free sets glued to their ears and they were talking to someone (probably someone at the office, telling the person they're stuck in traffic; or it might be their au pair on the other line - for their last minute reminders about the kids; it might even be...their mistress or their younger man - telling them tonight might not be a good idea after all!). And I thought to myself... boy, do they look stupid!
Car after car they passed. All with stupid looking ear plugs! Some looked like it came from the set of The Terminator while others were more like regular earphones but still it made the drivers look like they had a strand of uber long hair growing out of their ears! Blech!

And then I heard it: "Hello, Shirley. I just have a couple of questions...."
It was Noel. What the.... He had one of the ear plugs on, too!
Here's the killer... While some of you might already be thinking of your similar experiences with these awful devices... Mom is thinking: "So, who's Shirley? Oh, and what were Noel's questions?"
End of story.
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