Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chapter 2

I was thinking, now that I'm back to blogging, should I create an entire blog again just because I'm no longer walking on Walnut?

Should I treat this site as a try at blogging, completely forget about it and let it get eaten up by the www?

And then it came to me. No.

Why should I?

To hike in Highlands (of Marin) doesn't mean I should forget about ever walking on Walnut.

Although I am thankful that I have red head hawks and humming birds, deer and wild turkey as company now when I look out my window, and though I love it that I can explore the shops and restaurants in downtown San Rafael without fearing for my safety, I will forever remember the charming (sometimes filthy and always dangerous) streets of Philadelphia, the cherry blossoms that by now have shed their blooms and, of course, all those whom we met along the way....those who helped make Philly a wonderful first home.

So here I am, Chapter 2. Hike with me.


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