Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Good Read

I have been experiencing a scarcity of good news lately. There haven't been any deluge of bad ones either. But since I am one creature who thrives in the joy of giving and receiving good news, I have been feeling uninspired to blog. Until now.

I have just finished reading the last page of Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife. What an amazing book. I loved every word written on every page. I never wanted it to end. I savoured every sentence, every chapter that I purposefully read it ever so slowly.

It's about a man who is chrono impaired. As a result, he floats through time and space but always falls back into the arms of his one true love. She has known him almost all her life, but he only met her when he was in his 20's when she was 5 years old. Their love story is a seamless one that takes them to their past and future while in their present. They part ways always knowing that they will see each other again.

With Niffenegger's style of storytelling, I felt as if I was there with Henry and Clare.

As if I, too, were chrono impaired and was a silent

observer as the two experienced life... and death, over and over again.

If you believe in love and in life, if you believe that time can be transcended, then you MUST

read this book.


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